The Calling

Why are you moving to Uganda?

Well, I'm glad you asked. I am moving to Kampala, Uganda because of my internship with Engineering Ministries International (EMI) this Fall. God so graciously provided me with this opportunity a couple of months ago, and I have since begun my preparations. He answered a very specific prayer request I had this January during the start of my last semester in college. I realized that there was a need in my life only he could fulfill, so I asked him:

"God, please provide a place for me where I can grow as an engineer and become more like Jesus."

Within a few short weeks, it became as clear as day to me that an internship with EMI was the place He had for me. It is a place of Godly men and women, laboring for His Kingdom in less fortunate countries, using the engineering skills they had developed over the course of their lives.

I went ahead and applied to the EMI internship program and chose the four month internship in Kampala, Uganda. I had the option of other places in the world, but the Lord made it very clear that Uganda was the place to be. Here are some of the reasons that it means a lot to me:

1. English is one of the official languages in Uganda.
I want to form relationships with the people of Kampala. I will be able to communicate with these people and build relationships in the four months I will be spending there. Yes, I know that there will still be a huge cultural barrier, but two people being able to speak the same language goes a long way. I am hoping to learn a little Lugandan before I arrive, too.

2. The internship will be longer than 2 weeks.
I really want to build relationships with people that are meaningful, and that takes time. I want to be intentional with my time and make lasting friendships during my internship.

3. Uganda is predominantly Christian. 
Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19), and, thus, disciple-making can happen anywhere. I recognize that I still have a lot to learn in this regard. However, the last four years at college have been amazing, and I want to share the things I have learned with others. I want to help immature believers in Uganda grow in their dependence on Jesus and learn how to make disciples long after I leave.

In case it wasn't obvious, I really want to leave more in Uganda than just a couple of blueprints. I want to continue making disciples with Jesus, just as I have here in Georgia. I realize that God has drawn me to Uganda with the purpose of growing as an Engineer, Laborer, and expanding His Kingdom. I know it's not going to be easy or pretty, but I know it will bring Him glory, and nothing could make me more excited.

All for Him,

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