These last few weeks in Uganda have been very action packed. There are too many stories for me to tell, and it would not do them justice to try and squeeze them into this "last" blog post. I say the word "last" quite lightly since I have some pretty big news to drop on you, but that will have to wait till the end.
For some reason food/slaughtering is a big theme that arose over the past few weeks. Here is a quick summary:
Animals killed and slaughtered:
-1 Goat
-1 Turkey (for Thanksgiving)
-1 Pig
-Half a dozen Tilapia
When I ordered Fish at a local restaurant, they graciously offered me the head (It was surprisingly good) |
Meet Pinky, weighing in at 45 kilos. |
Thomas did a great job killing the pig with a pocket knife. |
Just another day in Africa.
Marinated in BBQ and Pineapple for two days, and then slow roasted and smoked. It was freaking delicious. |
The whole pig ordeal was quite an adventure, and it payed off. I am so thankful for the opportunities have have gotten outside of the office to experience life in Africa. The Lord has given me some sweet friendships and times of fellowship, and they deserve a spot in this "last" post.
Thanksgiving at the "Doors" ministry house (a home for street boys) |
Thomas and Jacob with our guards Jackson and Ali. |
The Nile as viewed from the scouting campsite in Jinja. |
A tree submerged by the dam placed upstream. We swam to it and even managed to climb it! |
Here I am setting up the survey equipment at the MAF Kijjansi Airfield. |
Now, allow me to introduce you to the eMi East Africa office. I realize its a little late, but you deserve to see what my everyday life is like, not just the random exciting experiences outside of my work time.
Honestly the office work has been amazing too, and so rewarding. A few days ago our team finished the second master plan of the term, complete with grading & drainage drawings, electrical drawings, architectural floor plans, water distribution and more. I have learned a lot, and it is exciting to know that everything I designed will be used to expand God's Kingdom in places I could never reach. Enjoy these few shots from around the office.
My Desk. |
The office library is quite extensive. |
Just another day with AutoCad. And a sugar cane coke to keep me going. |
My desk has the best view in my opinion. |
This is one of the wall drawings in the meeting room (aka the Garage). Each eMi office is marked on here. |
The opposing wall, I never get bored of looking at it. |
The Wall of Interns. Every intern from the past ten years hangs here. We are Loved. |
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. I have grown professionally and spiritually. I have labored for the kingdom and can't wait to see what the Lord has for me in the States. The next group of interns will be arriving in January, and I know God has great plans for them.
Unfortunately, we found out last week that one of the civil engineering interns from the States is not going to make it next term. His 16 year old brother passed a way in a car accident and he is thus unable to make it to Uganda. If you could, please pray for him (his name is Matt). We have been trying to fill the intern position, and two different people had shown interest. This Tuesday morning during our office devotion, it was announced that those two people also could not make. David, the intern coordinator, seemed quite defeated and he was essentially announcing that nobody was going to fill the position next year. That is when I heard a voice so loud and clear, it was frightening.
Unfortunately, we found out last week that one of the civil engineering interns from the States is not going to make it next term. His 16 year old brother passed a way in a car accident and he is thus unable to make it to Uganda. If you could, please pray for him (his name is Matt). We have been trying to fill the intern position, and two different people had shown interest. This Tuesday morning during our office devotion, it was announced that those two people also could not make. David, the intern coordinator, seemed quite defeated and he was essentially announcing that nobody was going to fill the position next year. That is when I heard a voice so loud and clear, it was frightening.
"Alex, you can do that"
Wait What? No no no. I am going to the US in a week and I am going to get a job and earn money and find a church and...
"This is the Way, Walk in it"
Isaiah 30:21, what a great promise. That despite affliction and troubles Jesus will show himself and direct us where to go, as long as we move forward. It does not happen often, but when you hear God's direction you know it to be real. My heart and head were already partially back in the States, planning my next moves. But God has bigger plans, and I know without a doubt he still has work for me to do here. I want to serve the Lord, and I want to follow Jesus. My life means nothing without him. The only thing worth living for is his kingdom, everything else comes second. I am scared, and my heart still desires to build up earthly treasures, I am at war within myself, but I will keep on running this race and throw off the sin that so easily entangles. There is nothing better.
In other words, after a refreshing Christmas break back in the States, I will be heading back to Uganda mid January. If possible, I want to meet you in person and hear all about what the Lord has done in your life these past few months.
Hit me up. I might even share some Ugandan coffee beans or sugar cane sugar with you ;)
In the Dust of His Feet,

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